Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival
Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony of 2017 Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival
        The 2nd Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival opened in Germany in 2017. 
       At local time half past nineteen ,6th September 2017,there was crammed with people in the Cinestar Metropolis Cinema in Frankfurt a.M,Germany, where the 2nd Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival attracted hundreds of documentary filmmakers, experts from cultural and academic circles, media as well as the government.
      On the opening ceremony the president of documentary film festival ,chairwomen of Beijing HuaYun-ShangDe International Cultural Exchange Co.,Ltd Wang Libin introducted the source of documentary films ,the aim of holding festival and activity’ content of this festival to the honored guests present. General of Consulate-General of The Peoples Republic of China in Frankfurt a. Main Sun Ruiying and representative of Germany economic einister as well as the representative of mayor of Frankfurt a.M. attended to the current festival.
    There will be 31 documentary films from 24 countries showed in the festival from 6th to 9th September. The film market prepared for communication among the professionals, investors of documentary films and documentary film co-producers will be opened. Meanwhile, there will be 6 fantastic forums with mainline of documentary films ,where the audience will obtain the most forward information of documentary film industry. And the closing ceremony will be held on 9th September, on that occasion the names of 6 Golden Tree award owner will be published.

Guest Speech

Message from the President of 2017 Golden Tree Festival

President of 2017 Golden Tree Festival   Mrs Libin Wang
Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests:
In the name of the Golden Tree Organizing Committee, I want to warmly welcome all guests from the documentary film industry, culture, art, academia, the press as well as diplomats from all over the world. I also want to thank all friends that have made contributions to the success of the Golden Tree.

This year, the Golden Tree Festival has received 1017 entries from 92 countries. When you go to the cinema full of expectations and see these surprising documentary films with interesting themes, great pictures, a broad world view and philosophical thoughts, I am convinced that you will feel joy in your soul, as well as deeply human love.7 years ago, when I started to become engaged in trade with Germany and Europe, I encountered many circumstances, resulting from different cultures, that led to numerous misunderstandings. I tried to find the secret code of different cultures. In this pursuit, different countries’ documentary films have been a great aid to me. This has led me to strongly believe that documentary films can help people understand alien cultures and regard them with appreciation and respect. We strive to document the roots of cultures through documentary films. Subsequently, we utilize media platforms to distribute these documentaries to the public. This is the origin story of the Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival.

To fulfill your various demands for documentary films is the mission of the Golden Tree Organizing Committee. We also invite each of you to attend the 6 fantastic discussion forums, to receive the most recent news and information on the documentary industry. Here I would like to give away that the Forum "Documentary Films and Philosophy" will include a spiritual hero - the shaman for protection of the environment and culture, which will lead to a very interesting discussion at the forum. I want to wish all our friends an exciting and happy journey through our documentaries.

I hereby announce: The second Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival 2017 has opened!
Pre-selection Jury of 2017 Golden Tree Festival   Marcelo Flores
Dear Friends,

I must tell you how is it that I have gotten here. Not to tell who I am, that is not important. But to make you reflect upon what was it that brought each one of you here, what paths... which words... what experiences have led you to be part of the opening of a festival whose destiny it is to change the way we see each other and the world, how we regard nature and our relationship with it, how we regard other cultures, realizing how much we share, and how we must work together to keep our world as beautiful and plentiful as we have seen it, for one another, for our children.
So apparently the whole world is alive in conversation, teaching, learning, making one another see, in spite of those stubborn human beings who cut themselves off from others, from nature, hold another culture in disregard and therefore do not learn anything from it, or the worst of all human kind: those who think animals, plants, trees, indigenous peoples, other cultures, are all dispensable.
Like the Jain practitioner who will not crush an insect or pluck a flower, like Gandhi, Thoreau or Lao Tsu, who would rather admire or converse with them, the Golden Tree Festival is here to correct all this. It wants us to converse and look in the same direction. Not only when we go to the screenings to see films in the next three days, but through the encounters you will have in the Festival’s corridors, and when you leave the Festival. So pay attention to what may be said to you by a person, an animal, a mountain, a human being, an old woman like the one on the Festival poster, or a child, a bird, the burning sun, the moon, the wind, the river, water, a griot, a pygmy from Congo, an Ashaninka shaman from the Amazon Forest, in the forum that will take place on the Festival’s last day. Whatever you learn will be your prize and gift. Take it with you, and help us to converse and change the world.


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