Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival
Golden Fruit Plan Program Convening
来源:未知    日期:2021-09-02    阅读()
Dear Documentary Filmmaker,
We would like to invite you to take part in the new program aiming on help in creating the documentary films.
Golden Fruit Plan is focused on film projects from Europe and China, meant for the audiences from Europe and China, capable to share the experience and culture of both regions, cultures and civilizations.
The recent experience with virus affecting the global population might be a good reason to make a film. But also the local cultural heritage versus the modern global society, the tradition in the times of rapid modernization, care for the earth and nature – are hot subjects of our times that shall be told by the documentary makers.
There are no subject limitations, but it has to concern both China and Europe.
Please read the RULES attached and fill the simple admission FORM if you want to apply with projects at any stage of production. The deadline is September 30th, 2021.
The final pitching is planned in Paris / Beijng in November 4 – 6 in real and virtual way.
If your project is selected, all costs of your travel and stay at the final pitching will be covered by the organizers.
Prior consultations will take place on-line in October.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us directly.
Please read the RULES and apply via the FORM available here:
With kind regards,
Dorota Roszkowska
tel.: +48 604 579 333
Golden Fruit Plan registration
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